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The Client Library

The Client Library is filled with multitudes of articles on multitudes of topics. From "what's a 401k?" to "What steps can I take to actually retire?"; find the answers you need, then meet with us to help make it happen.

Investing 101: a Primer for Beginners Thumbnail

Investing 101: a Primer for Beginners

Many of us have heard the term “investments” used in many ways - and it’s a concept most of us are familiar with to some degree. But unless you’ve really taken an interest in the markets or set aside time to study them, you may not have a total understanding of what investing is, everything involved with investing or what different types of investments are out there.

Investing Financial Literacy
Phantom Stock for Company Executives: Why It's Not as Scary as It Sounds Thumbnail

Phantom Stock for Company Executives: Why It's Not as Scary as It Sounds

As a high-level executive, your company recognizes your valuable contribution to progress and growth. In response, your compensation package looks a little different - and often more complicated - than lower-level employees. Equity compensation, such as stock options, is a common offering for executives, directors and managers. But the type of equity compensation offered may differ. If your company is offering you a phantom stock plan, or shadow stock, here’s what you need to know.

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